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Your taste, your family adventure, your break.

Santiago Rewards You

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Obtain guided visits by booking three or more nights in Santiago!

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Some museums, monuments, parks and contemporary buildings have already reopened! Find them here.

Cathedral of Santiago

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Information and secrets that will help you prepare your future visit to the prodigious heart of the city.

Accomodation tonight

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Find last minute accommodation with real-time availability.

Tours and visits

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Tourist guides and companies offer you the best tours in and around Santiago.

Santiago for families

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Once upon a time there was a small, peaceful and beautiful city like fairytale villages...

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Concerts, theatre, exhibitions and lots more.

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Pure air, water, Galician green and amazing views within the city.

Routes on foot

Routes on foot

If you do not want to miss anything, get ideas from these routes.

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The history, the routes, the advice: the destination.

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Santiago dos Bos Amores

Fall in love in (and with) Santiago de Compostela!



Information and assistance for local tourist professionals.

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Convention Bureau

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Film Commission

Film Commission

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Tourism Quality

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Contact us

Santiago Rewards You

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Obtain guided visits by booking three or more nights in Santiago!

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极速安全加速器 安卓

Some museums, monuments, parks and contemporary buildings have already reopened! Find them here.

Cathedral of Santiago

Cathedral of Santiago

Information and secrets that will help you prepare your future visit to the prodigious heart of the city.

Accomodation tonight

Accomodation tonight

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Tours and visits

Tours and visits

Tourist guides and companies offer you the best tours in and around Santiago.

Santiago for families

Santiago for families

Once upon a time there was a small, peaceful and beautiful city like fairytale villages...

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Cultural diary

Concerts, theatre, exhibitions and lots more.

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Parks and gardens

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Pure air, water, Galician green and amazing views within the city.

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If you do not want to miss anything, get ideas from these routes.

Way of St. James

Way of St. James

The history, the routes, the advice: the destination.

Santiago dos Bos Amores

Santiago dos Bos Amores

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Information and assistance for local tourist professionals.

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Photos 360º

Photos 360º

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Convention Bureau

Film Commission

Film Commission

Tourism Quality

Tourism Quality

Contact us

Contact us

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